Google paused Gemini AI Image Generator after it produced historical images that were incorrect

Google said on Thursday that it is suspending its Gemini artificial intelligence feature, which generates images because it provides “inaccuracies” in historical images. Social media users have been criticizing the AI tool for producing erroneous depictions of historical figures, such as the American Founding Fathers, as people of color. Google stated that the AI feature…

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Evaluating Success by Measuring ROI

In the dynamic realm of B2B field, deciphering success requires a strategic approach to measuring Return on Investment (ROI). As businesses increasingly rely on digital channels and data-driven decision-making, understanding the impact of business efforts becomes paramount. Unlocking success in the B2B arena involves navigating the intricate landscape of metrics, insights, and adaptability. Dive into…

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For Big Tech, a thirsty generative AI boom presents an increasing challenge.

An often-overlooked but crucially important environmental issue—Big Tech’s growing water footprint—is coming under more public scrutiny as a result of a global rush to capitalize on the next wave of generative artificial intelligence. Researchers say the race to profit from the next wave of AI is one of the main causes of the significant increase…

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Uncovering the secrets of effective demand forecasting in the B2B industry

Yann LeCun, the chief scientist at Meta and a pioneer in deep learning, stated that he thinks it will take decades for current AI systems to resemble sentient beings with common sense and the capacity to do more than just creatively summarize massive amounts of text. His viewpoint differs from that of Nvidia CEO Jensen…

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