Microsoft’s Stock Hit Record after Analysts Predict $10 Billion in Yearly AI Revenue

Microsoft shares reached a record recently after analysts at JPMorgan Chase predicted the growth prospects of the Company in artificial intelligence. The stock increased 3.2% to close at $348.10, breaking its earlier all-time high record in November 2021. AI has been a buzzword all year, since OpenAI in November 2022 released the ChatGPT chatbot, which went viral quickly….

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Stability AI CEO Says, AI is a Great Investment Opportunity, but it will be the biggest bubble of all time

The CEO of open-source AI Company, Stability AI, is of the opinion that artificial intelligence will be the biggest bubble of all time. Stability AI CEO Emad Mostaque expressed, “I think this will be the biggest bubble of all time. AI is still at the very early stages and not ready for mass-scale adoption in…

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Tech Analysts Say, Chinese Chip Makers can build their own Advanced Chips

Industry analysts are optimistic that Chinese chip makers will develop their own advanced semiconductors despite Washington’s attempts to cut the country off from accessing or manufacturing the technology. Daniel Newman, CEO and principal analyst at research firm Futurum Group said, “I don’t underestimate China’s ability and resolve to build next-generation technologies and to also utilize some…

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Britain Announces $1.2 Billion of Support for Semiconductor Industry after US and EU

The UK recently announced up to £1 billion ($1.24 billion) of support for its semiconductor industry to give a push to its domestic chip-making abilities and prevent further disruptions to supply chain systems after the call for help from leaders at some of the country’s leading companies. The investment will be a part of a…

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